Friday, December 5, 2014

Cowboy Stadium Tour


     Over Thanksgiving break I got to check one thing off my bucket list. As you may already know, I am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan and over the break I was able to tour the stadium. 
     My obsession began because my dad, John Davis, was born and raised in the heart of Dallas, TX. He started me young by dressing me in cowboys attire, and also buying us an inflatiable chair that came with a inflatiable beer car foot rest.. I'm not kidding. My mom was not impressed, but I was. From then on you can say I followed my dad's choice in becoming the Cowboys fan he always wanted me to become. 
      Our tour consisted of seeing the press box, suites, standing bar areas, the Dallas Cowboys' cheerleader locker room, the Dallas Cowboys' locker room, and of course the field.

The stadium was stunning. It was unreal actually. The stadium is worth over 1.2 billion dollars, because Jerry Jones is a baller and just threw out an extra couple million to make it the best. The tickets there are very expensive though, but one accomidation they do have is you can get bar tickets which are standing on each inzone that over looks down. Those tickets only cost around $29 dollars, so I know where I wanna come for my 21st. 

My favorite part was the Cowboys' lock room. I was so star struck. I was able to see all of the players lockers. My fav player is Jason Witten, so after almost 100 pictures taken in front of his locker, I stood there drooling for a good 15 minutes. 

J.J Wilcox is a defensive player for the Cowboys which he is also know for being a former Georgia Southern Eagle. Hail Southern. So it was fun being able to stand in front of his locker and brag to ever person that walked pasted me about how he played for my amazing school.
I hope that the next time any of ya'll are in Dallas ya'll go by and see the stadium. Dallas fan or not it is mind blowing how amazing it is. 

1 comment:

  1. It sounds good. I will be checking that stadium next time I am there
